All your bass are belong to DDR Solo – Bass Mix. We took Brian to Jersey Gardens so he could go christmas shopping, on the condition that he let us stop by the arcade to play DDR. The arcade has a machine called “DDR Solo – Bass Mix” which has corner arrows along with the regular 4 panels, making it a lot harder. Anyway, I finally passed a non-stop megamix, and got this really neat online score password thing:

I love my camera phone 🙂 Anyway, as we were about to leave, I noticed Jay still had 1 song to go, and it had superstar! I failed after like 2 seconds because I suck at hitting the diagonal panels, but it was fun, and I love that song.

Also, I got bored of doing my final project for IT-201 in Flash, so I made this little animation for Jay. Noone else will get the joke, but it was fun. Anyway, I guess I should get back to this project..
