of ants and squares

  • Post category:Life

I’m watching an ant trying to climb a box. He can climb up the cardboard fine, but this box also has a sticker! And as soon as he reaches the sticker, he falls off.

It’s very amusing. He doesn’t have a reason for climbing the box, there’s no great rewards waiting for him at the top. He isn’t trying to go beyond the box, he could simply go around it. He just wants to go up the box. But he fails. Quite amusing.

In other news, the release of DCSquares went very well. So well, in fact, that I had to release an update today to fix a few serious bugs, and add a few new features that were suggested over at DCEmulation.com. DCSquares 1.1 is available at the same place, and I added a ChangeLog to the download page for anyone interested in what’s new.

Thanks for the feedback everyone. Lets make DCSquares the most addicting dreamcast game since Puyo Pop Fever!

  • Post category:Dreamcast

DCSquares 1.1 is out! This release fixes several bugs in 1.0, as well as adding several new features. Check out the ChangeLog on the download page to see what’s new! Also, due to a bug in 1.0 that could allow cheating, the high score ladder has been reset and will only accept passwords from 1.1 or newer.