You win this time, Apple

  • Post category:Macintosh

So my PowerBook finally convinced me to get more memory (256MB RAM was just not enough for what I need it for). Crucial currently has free next-day shipping, so it arrived yesterday morning!

Yay, an extra 512MB now. That should be plenty.

A public beta of the next version of DCSquares for Windows is available to all registered users. Check out it here! A beta for the Mac and Dreamcast will be available in a few days.

It’s 4am I must be lonely

  • Post category:Windows

So after about 7 hours, i’ve completly rewritten DCSquares for Windows using MFC. Now it can have menus and dialog boxes and all kinds of fun things like the Mac version:

And now it’s time for sleep.

  • Post category:Dreamcast

The high score ladder has been improved to filter scores by day, month, and all time. Also, the number of scores displayed has been reduced to 25. It’s a new month, time to fill up the December ladder!