
  • Post category:Life

Not to sound like an ad, but Wendy’s chili + spicy chicken combo makes all that shoveling worth it. Plus it negates any calories I may have burned while shoveling 🙂


Dear author,

We are pleased to accept your software for distribution on
www.tucows.com. It will be listed on the “What’s New” page
on February, 9th, 2005.

You can continue providing updated versions of your software through the Author Resource Center. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected].

Tucows offers a variety of promotion options for your title including Keywords, Category listings and Cost-per-click advertising. For more information on our promotion options, please log into your account on the Author Resource Center. There, you will find information on these offerings, and you can select and activate promotions.

You can choose to link directly to the preview page for your program.


As you are aware, each program is reviewed by our team and
assigned a cow rating. The following is the Review Report
for your program:

Online resources:1
Multi-player support:0
Skill/Learning curve:5
Variety/Pace of features:1
Reviewer’s recommendation:3
Reviewer’s impression:3

Total =36

30 to 35 points = 3-cow rating
36 to 41 points = 4-cow rating
42 and higher points = 5-cow rating

More information on our scoring procedure is available in
the Author Resource Center.

Thank you for choosing Tucows.

The Tucows Review Team