East Coast Gaming Expo

DCSquares and DCBlap will be on display at the East Coast Gaming Expo. There will also be a specal multiplayer demo of DCSquares running on the Dreamcast there. Anyone in the NJ/NY/PA area, feel free to stop by.

There will be CD-Rs available with DCSquares 2.0.1 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Dreamcast in jewel cases, complete with instruction booklets. There will only be 15 – 20 available, so be sure to get there early! Be the first on your block to own an official DCSquares disc! 🙂

Hope for the future

So I’m browsing through the iTunes Music Store last night, and I came across an album by London Bus Stop. I’m looking through the songs and — this is “Bus Stop” from DDR! Their songs are some of my favorite, and I so wasted more money purchasing a few tracks from iTMS 🙂

My car insurance rate went down $21 / month. Geico = ♥

My dad called today! He’s back in NZ from his trip to minnesota, and he said he’s planning to move there next year.

We talked about Macs, apparently he also has a PowerBook 😛


The weirdest thing just happened!

I’m traveling down 130S to grab some food from McDonalds, when I hear sirens in the distance. I look at 130N, and there’s no cars coming, so I figure maybe there’s an accident on 130N. Then I see 3 police motorcycles driving up 130N. Then.. I see HUNDREDS of motorcycles! I get up to the next traffic light, and there’s a police car in the middle of the intersection preventing anyone from turning onto 130N and waving 130S to keep going and ignore the red light.

I pull into McDonalds (I’m so glad i didn’t try to go to Wendys, which is on 130N) and everyone is standing around watching these hundred and hundreds of motorcycles and police/fire/rescue vehicals traveling up 130N. It was crazy! I feel bad for the people trying to go north that got stuck behind them, though!

just for gil

I beat the Myst V: End of Ages demo, and you can’t even play it yet! nyah!

quiz time!

This quiz seemed unusually obsessed with Adam. I think they should work on their random generator a bit.

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

gas prices

$40 to fill my tank this morning!

Shell V-Power.
Actively cleans
as you drive

Invoice #XXXXXXX


Total Sale$39.00

Shell V-Power,
our most advanced
fuel ever.