I don’t get it

  • Post category:Windows

11:09:45 AM eric: but the printer is going to be attached to the linux machine
11:10:07 AM eric: and I want to print from a windows box
11:13:08 AM eric: looks like it will be another fun afternoon trying to get this worked out 🙂
11:13:28 AM sam: or you could just share it from a Windows box 😛
11:13:49 AM eric: thats what we have now….but we want to be ableto password it and monitor wtuff
11:13:55 AM eric: and winblows sucks that that
11:14:13 AM sam: er… windows 2000 can do that just fine?
11:14:32 AM sam: use ACLs and auditing
11:14:35 AM eric: we only have xp….and maybe 2k3 server
11:14:46 AM sam: both of those are the same as 2000 😛
11:14:46 AM eric: all that is above me 🙁

So let me get this straight.. if this guy can’t handle clicking a few buttons in Windows to password protect his printer, how does he expect to be able to edit 3 cryptic configuration files in Linux to accomplish his task?


  • Post category:Life

So GSN is showing a special supermodel edition of Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the second fastest finger question was:

Put these phrases you might hear at a fashion shoot in alphabetical order:
A. Smile, sweety
B. That’s a rap
C. Pout like you mean it
D. some other phrase I forgot

Anyway.. yeah. Alphabetical order. You’d think this would be an easy one, right? Look at the first letters, put them in order, and then push the buttons on the keypad in the right order.

Well regis cuts to the results screen, which displays who got the question right, as well as how fast they did it (the fastest person gets to play, hence the term ‘fastest finger’). Anyway, they bring up the results screen and… only two out of the nine models got it right!

It was very sad.

Just… wow

  • Post category:Life

They may be famous, but can they sing?

I’m a celebrity, but I’d rather be a pop star.

Coming soon to NBC.

The TV networks are running out of ideas…

Code Hunter

  • Post category:Life

“I’ll wrap you in tin foil and throw you out the window!”

DCSquares 2.0 Release

After nearly 6 months, I’m proud to announce the release of DCSquares 2.0 for Mac OS X and Windows! This version features a brand new default theme, a new high score system, and much improved gameplay.

So head on over to the official DCSquares site to grab the latest version!


  • Post category:Life

Holy crap! I emailed my resume to a company and they actually called me back, within a half-hour! I’ve got an interview tomorrow at 10am!

Note to self: Don’t send out resumes when you’re not really awake yet, because you might be expected to do a phone interview within a half hour.


  • Post category:Life

A+ Core Hardware Exam: 695 / 800
A+ Operating Systems Technologies Exam: 776 / 800

I’m officially an unemployed A+ Certified Technician, yay!

At some point I’ll take the NET+ exam, too, but I can’t afford it right now.

On your marks! Get set! Render!

I had the day off work today, so having nothing better to do, I decided to race raz0r (PowerBook G4 1.33Ghz, OS X 10.4.1) and media (Pentium III 933mhz, Ubuntu linux (Hoary)) in rendering with Blender.

raz0r, rendering frame #15 from Magnets: The Movie, required 313MB RAM, and took 2:30 mins to render the frame at 400×300.

media required 380MB RAM, and took 3:40 mins to render the same frame at the same size.

In the words of Stormy Waters, “Smoked that bitch!”. I was expecting the outcome to be along those lines, but I’m not sure why linux requires almost 70MB more RAM to render the same frame.

The output pictures from both were identical, obviously.