Use the source, luke!
DreamZZT’s source code is now available under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2. The source can be browsed or checked out of my public Subversion repository, and is also available from the DreamZZT homepage. In order to build DreamZZT, you’ll first need to build tiki.
To celebrate, I’ve put together the first binary release of DreamZZT in close to 3 years: 3.0.4-beta1. Downloads are available for Windows, Mac OS X (10.4 universal), and Linux. Due to technical issues, builds for the Dreamcast are not available at this time. So head on over to the DreamZZT homepage and grab a copy!
Known issues with this beta:
- There is no menu when you push ESC, just press S to save or close the window to quit.
- There is no file browser, so saved games will always be ‘saved.sav’ and New Game will always load ‘town.zzt’
- The game doesn’t pause when debug command ‘warp’ is executed, allowing debug messages to overwrite the board selection dialog box.
Please report any other bugs either in the comments here or over at the forums.