So glad I left them for +DreamHost years ago!
Reshared post from +Christina Kelly
Official SOPA Support Statement by Go Daddy
EDIT: For those who are looking for an alternative domain hosting service to Go Daddy, is recommended.
I saw that Go Daddy was listed as a #SOPA supporter via a post by +Erica Joy, and found this official statement after a little digging:
Go Daddy has always supported both government and private industry efforts to identify and disable all types of illegal activity on the Internet. It is for these reasons that I’m still struggling with why some Internet companies oppose PROTECT IP and SOPA. There is no question that we need these added tools to counteract illegal foreign sites that are falling outside the jurisdiction of U.S. law enforcement. And there is clearly more that we could all be doing to adequately address the problems that exist.
It sounds like not only is Go Daddy in support of SOPA, but also thinks that it might not go far enough. The statement goes on to explain that the issue is really about American jobs, which is a reason that, when cited, tends to shortcut logical thinking and deep analysis these days:
As much as some would like to paint a bleak picture, this debate is not about Hollywood vs. Silicon Valley. This debate is about preserving, protecting, and creating American jobs, and protecting American consumers from the dangers that they face on-line.
Further down, it sounds like Go Daddy is arguing that it should be "relatively easy" for content-hosting sites to make appeals against "frivolous claims" and that they still shouldn't have to "police the internet" even with SOPA active. That seems to leave a lot to chance or subjectivity. Content hosting sites "shouldn't have to" police the internet under SOPA, but obviously if they don't then they're leaving themselves very vulnerable to serious legal action. This also basically contradicts the part where Go Daddy says "there is clearly more that we could all be doing to adequately address the problems that exist."
Here's a telling line in the final paragraph:
We need to find a way to preserve American ingenuity.
Evidently, Americans will no longer have good ideas or the motivation to develop them if the government does not have the power to shut down any site it deems infringing. American ingenuity seems to be doing fine right now – if SOPA were passed, would it suddenly unleash a flood of unprecedented brilliance and innovation? I don't think that's the way it works these days.
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Here Is Godaddy's Statement In Support Of The Stop Online Privacy Act House Hearing TomorrowHere Is Godaddy's Statement In Support Of The Stop Online Privacy Act House Hearing Tomorrow
Here Is Godaddy's Statement In Support Of The Stop Online Privacy Act House Hearing Tomorrow. 2011 November 15. by Michael H. Berkens. Tomorrow the House of Representative is holding a hearing on …