This look really cool
This look really cool
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Animal Sculptures Created From Shattered CDs | Geekologie – Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome
Because SOMEBODY had to do SOMETHING with all those unwanted AOL CDs, Australian artist Sean Avery decided to put them to good use creating little animal sculptures (custom ones available on his websi…
A beta version of the new desktop client is available for Mac and Windows!…
A beta version of the new desktop client is available for Mac and Windows! Congrats, +Michael Coffey!
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The New Desktop App
Listen to eartle’s personal radio station (48,413 tracks played). eartle’s top artists: Morrissey, Los Campesinos!, Bob Dylan. Favourite tags are rap metal, love hearts, summer. Get your own music pro…
Trying this for lunch today
Trying this for lunch today
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Better Egg Salad: Add an Avocado, Use Less Mayonnaise | The Kitchn
Did any of your parents try to dye eggs green when you were little as a nod to Green Eggs and Ham? The results were always gross. These green eggs, however, we'll take any day—a simple egg salad with …