Here's what I spent all weekend building in minecraft
Here's what I spent all weekend building in minecraft
Spent the weekend playing around with the BuildCraft and IndustrialCraft minecraft…
Spent the weekend playing around with the BuildCraft and IndustrialCraft minecraft mods included in Tekkit. I built a combustion-powered oil well, refinery, and quarry system, plus a factory that automatically smelts ore into bars. I'll share a youtube video of it in action when it finishes uploading / processing!
Got woken up a little early this morning
Got woken up a little early this morning
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USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards
This look really cool
This look really cool
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Animal Sculptures Created From Shattered CDs | Geekologie – Gadgets, Gizmos, and Awesome
Because SOMEBODY had to do SOMETHING with all those unwanted AOL CDs, Australian artist Sean Avery decided to put them to good use creating little animal sculptures (custom ones available on his websi…