I built a mass fabricator inside a volcano so I can start working towards crafting…
I built a mass fabricator inside a volcano so I can start working towards crafting the Quantum Suit armor in Tekkit!
I started playing around with using ComputerCraft to control a BuildCraft oil refinery…
I started playing around with using ComputerCraft to control a BuildCraft oil refinery in Minecraft. The computer controls two banks of combustion engines, turning them on and off so they wont overheat and explode. My next step will be to add ccSensors support so the computer can monitor the engine temperatures instead of using a predefined duration. The source code for the ComputerCraft program is here: https://gist.github.com/3461305
+Steven Troughton-Smith wrote a C program for the RPC8/e CPU in Minecraft to play…
+Steven Troughton-Smith wrote a C program for the RPC8/e CPU in Minecraft to play "Still Alive" on an array of music note blocks! Here's the source: https://gist.github.com/3383882
+Larry Page Hi Larry!
Reshared post from +Matthew Inman
+Larry Page Hi Larry!
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Help me raise money to buy Nikola Tesla's old laboratory – The Oatmeal
I'm starting a campaign to try and raise enough money to buy Nikola Tesla's old laboratory, the Wardenclyffe Tower. Comics: Random Most Popular All Cats Grammar Food Animals Tech. Help me raise money …
Made my snake game look awesome on the Commodore 64, because why not? Source is…
Made my snake game look awesome on the Commodore 64, because why not? Source is up on github, you'll need cc65 to compile it for either the Commodore 64 or the Minecraft RedPower CPU: https://github.com/c99koder/6502snake