Ugh, tonight's Modern Family is terrible
Ugh, tonight's Modern Family is terrible. Why would I want to watch the "show" through tiny windows on my tv? Who thought this would be a good idea outside of Apple's marketing department?
Another awesome kickstarter! A cellular version of the Spark dev kit!
Another awesome kickstarter! A cellular version of the Spark dev kit!
Spark Electron: Cellular dev kit with a simple data plan by Spark IO — Kickstarter
Spark IO is raising funds for Spark Electron: Cellular dev kit with a simple data plan on Kickstarter!
The Electron is an Arduino-like cellular development kit with a SIM card and affordable data plan from the creators of the Spark Core.
Just backed the new Pebble Time
Just backed the new Pebble Time. I still use my original Kickstarter Pebble daily, super excited for the next version!
Pebble Time – Awesome Smartwatch, No Compromises by Pebble Technology — Kickstarter
Pebble Technology is raising funds for Pebble Time – Awesome Smartwatch, No Compromises on Kickstarter!
Color e-paper smartwatch with up to 7 days of battery and a new timeline interface that highlights what’s important in your day.
I love Elder Scrolls games. Found this note next to a skeleton in a cave filled with tigers in Elder Scrolls Online:
"No, no, no! This isn't working. Must begin again. I will hit on it eventually. I know it.
Too much silver, it seems. Need something less shimmery. The glow is too intense, can't focus.
Aha, yes, I'm brilliant! Not that I didn't know that already.
Yes, yes! Now I can feel them. The creatures' clever minds. I can sense them as they stalk their prey, as they compete for mates. Soon I will understand them truly and be their master!
Trouble. Very serious trouble. All was going well. I had established a pack. I was their leader. They respected me. Then I ran out of steaks. They look to me now, as before, but there is a glint of hunger in their eyes."