Post published:July 28, 2020 Read more articles Previous PostUpgraded my Linux server to an 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 B with 64-bit Ubuntu LTS, as influxdb is quite memory hungry Next Post🎆🎇🎉 You Might Also Like Windows May 31, 2016 That’s right, my town’s tune is Saria’s Song from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time :D June 14, 2013 Disappointed the Siri on Mac demo didn't start with "I sure like being inside this fancy computer" June 13, 2016
That’s right, my town’s tune is Saria’s Song from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time :D June 14, 2013
Disappointed the Siri on Mac demo didn't start with "I sure like being inside this fancy computer" June 13, 2016