#send sam:update_journal

  • Post category:Dreamcast

You can now execute ZZT-OOP statements directly from the debug console. I put together a quick little demo video of the debug console that you can grab here (8 MB, QuickTime 7.1).

I also made a lot of progress in moving the source from C to C++. I’ve decided DreamZZT 3.0 will be open source (GNU General Public License, version 2), so I guess I have to make it presentable 😛 All of the objects in the game world are now represented by their own C++ classes, which is a pretty good start. I still need to create classes for the boards and the overall world.

As for what still needs to be done before I start rolling out public betas again, here’s a quick to-do list off the top of my head:

* Sharks
* Slime
* Stars
* Slap the GPL header on top of all the source files
* Grab the drum patterns from kevedit and add them to my music player (yay, GPL!)
* Finish rewriting the guts in C++


  • Post category:Dreamcast

For those of you that need to cheat while playing ZZT, DreamZZT now has an interactive console that can be brought up by pressing the ` key (inspired by Kev‘s mzxdbg).

Lions, Tigers, and Bears! Oh my!

  • Post category:Dreamcast

I made a lot of progress on DreamZZT this weekend. I finally got around to writing the AI for bears and ruffians, which just leaves sharks, slime, and centipedes left to do. The centipedes are going to be the most complicated to write, so I’m going to continue to ignore them for now. If you want to play Centepede, go to an arcade 😛

I also got sound working! Just the melodies for now, no drums, but it’s a lot more interesting with noises 🙂 I tried to capture another movie with Snapz Pro X, but the sound gets pretty choppy while recording, so you’ll all just have to wait ’til it’s released.

You are blocked by an invisible wall.

  • Post category:Dreamcast

I put together a quick little video that demos some of the visual improvements DreamZZT has over the original ZZT. This video shows off the animated water effect, as well as the improved torch effect. You can grab the Quicktime video here (780KB).

DreamZZT is finally back to the point where The Town of ZZT should be completeable, though the lack of bears, ruffians, and centepedes makes it a little less challenging. I hope to at least get bears and ruffians working soon, but I think I’ll hold off on centepedes for a while longer (they’re probably going to be the hardest to write, because of the way they move).

I’m hoping to have a playable demo out in a few weeks.

DreamZZT 3.0

I’ve gotten a few queries about the status of DreamZZT lately, so for anyone wondering about it, I give you this:

Misc site updates

  • Post category:Dreamcast

I’ve changed the way my LiveJournal feed get syndicated out to my websites. Instead of using LJ’s built-in RSS feeds, I’m now using an RSS S2 style. The most noticable difference is that now the DCSquares website actually displays all the news entries again 🙂

As for DCSquares, a new version is going to be released along with GOAT Games Volume 1 for the Sega Dreamcast. The PC/Mac version should follow several weeks later. There’s no hard release date for GOAT Games, but it should be out in a few months.


  • Post category:Dreamcast

Happy new year! Everyone have a good 2006.

Dashboard Widget

  • Post category:Dreamcast

Tired of visiting the website to view the high score list? Well, now you don’t have to! Mac OS 10.4 users can now check the high scores right from their Dashboard!

Grab the DCSquares Online dashboard widget from the download page!

DCSquares 2.0.1

  • Post category:Dreamcast

DCSquares 2.0.1 is out! This minor update fixes a few bugs with the Dreamcast build, as well as the problem causing score codes to occasionally not be generated. Grab it from the download page!