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The weirdest thing just happened!

I’m traveling down 130S to grab some food from McDonalds, when I hear sirens in the distance. I look at 130N, and there’s no cars coming, so I figure maybe there’s an accident on 130N. Then I see 3 police motorcycles driving up 130N. Then.. I see HUNDREDS of motorcycles! I get up to the next traffic light, and there’s a police car in the middle of the intersection preventing anyone from turning onto 130N and waving 130S to keep going and ignore the red light.

I pull into McDonalds (I’m so glad i didn’t try to go to Wendys, which is on 130N) and everyone is standing around watching these hundred and hundreds of motorcycles and police/fire/rescue vehicals traveling up 130N. It was crazy! I feel bad for the people trying to go north that got stuck behind them, though!

just for gil

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I beat the Myst V: End of Ages demo, and you can’t even play it yet! nyah!

quiz time!

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This quiz seemed unusually obsessed with Adam. I think they should work on their random generator a bit.

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

gas prices

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$40 to fill my tank this morning!

Shell V-Power.
Actively cleans
as you drive

Invoice #XXXXXXX


Total Sale$39.00

Shell V-Power,
our most advanced
fuel ever.

Do you know the muffin man?

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So on friday, I discovered the most amazing thing:

In the mornings, the cafeteria at work has mango muffins! F*ck banana nut, mango is officially my new favorite muffin flavour.

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So GSN is showing a special supermodel edition of Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the second fastest finger question was:

Put these phrases you might hear at a fashion shoot in alphabetical order:
A. Smile, sweety
B. That’s a rap
C. Pout like you mean it
D. some other phrase I forgot

Anyway.. yeah. Alphabetical order. You’d think this would be an easy one, right? Look at the first letters, put them in order, and then push the buttons on the keypad in the right order.

Well regis cuts to the results screen, which displays who got the question right, as well as how fast they did it (the fastest person gets to play, hence the term ‘fastest finger’). Anyway, they bring up the results screen and… only two out of the nine models got it right!

It was very sad.

Just… wow

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They may be famous, but can they sing?

I’m a celebrity, but I’d rather be a pop star.

Coming soon to NBC.

The TV networks are running out of ideas…

Code Hunter

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“I’ll wrap you in tin foil and throw you out the window!”


  • Post category:Life

Holy crap! I emailed my resume to a company and they actually called me back, within a half-hour! I’ve got an interview tomorrow at 10am!

Note to self: Don’t send out resumes when you’re not really awake yet, because you might be expected to do a phone interview within a half hour.