(20:08:04) Gee: ah shit! i’m watching this show, “lost”, and this guy totally just got sucked through a plain engine
(20:08:08) Gee: it was fuckin weird
(20:08:17) Sam Steele: woah
(20:08:26) Sam Steele: tell him to stop
(20:09:40) Gee: hehe, i don’t think he’d be able to hear me. his ear is way seperated from his life
PowerBook is coming!
Dear Apple Customer,
The following products shipped on 09/22/2004. Transit time will
depend upon whether you have chosen standard or premium freight
options. If your order is shipping standard freight, it should arrive
within 10 days of shipment.
M9183LL/A PBG4 12.1/1.33/256/60/COMB0/APX-USA
With the following configuration:
Memory 065-4946 256MB DDR333 SDRAM
Hard Drive 065-4950 60GB Ultra ATA Drive 4200 RPM
Optical Drive 065-4953 Combo Drive (DVD-ROM/CD-RW)
Airport 065-4956 Airport Extreme Card
Keyboard/Mac OS Language 065-5059 Keyboard/Mac OS
Custom SW I 065-4683 Not Applicable
The above products have been shipped to:
Sam Steele
FedEx website says it’s in Shanhai, China right now. Guess they ship ’em from the factory instead of a warehouse.
(14:14:08) Sohail Ali: the ntldr file goes on the c drive right?
(14:20:20) Sam Steele: yes
(14:20:34) Sohail Ali: yeah i thought so
(14:20:40) Sohail Ali: they’re making me double check before hand
(14:21:26) Sam Steele: if it doesn’t boot now, what difference does it make if it doesn’t boot again?
(14:21:46) Sohail Ali: i said that exact same thing lol
(14:22:09) Sam Steele: so stop being such a pussy 😛
(14:22:42) Sohail Ali: hey not my system to fuck up… they want a second opinion i’ll get it
(14:23:14) Sam Steele: … it’s already fucked up..
(14:23:29) Sohail Ali: yeah but people love to point fingers when shit goes wrong
(14:23:41) Sohail Ali: the only finger they shall be pointing at me was, he tried to fix it!
(14:23:47) Sam Steele: so point it at them for not having the original media for the OS
(14:23:56) Sohail Ali: he does have it lol
(14:24:00) Sohail Ali: they are doing it off of the cd
(14:24:12) Sohail Ali: using the repair consol
(14:24:37) Sam Steele: why didn’t you tell setup to repair your installation?
(14:24:46) Sohail Ali: damned if i know
(14:24:49) Sohail Ali: im doing this all via aim
(14:25:39) Sam Steele: so they don’t even know if you really got a second opinion. pussy 😛
(14:25:48) Sohail Ali: sounds about right
(14:25:59) Sohail Ali: but they trust me
(14:26:01) Sohail Ali: and i wont lie to them
(14:26:22) Sam Steele: apparently they don’t, if you had to ask me 😉
Make up your own story this time.
Category III – The Regular
You are the quintessential standard conjured by the
word ‘Friend’.
What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Real Myst 3D
Just finished Real Myst, which I borrowed from Gil along with Riven. My desk is full of papers with cryptic pictures, numbers, and notes.
Real Myst is a remake of Myst, redone in real 3D instead of a bunch of Quicktime videos. The graphics are great, my PC at home here could barely handle it. They also added an extra Age at the end that ties Myst and Riven together better.
Yes, I’ll admit to needing to consult a walkthrough a few times, but I got through most of it myself. I’m considering reading the Myst novels if I can find them. Next it’s on to Riven, and then Exile.