Ugh, tonight's Modern Family is terrible
Ugh, tonight's Modern Family is terrible. Why would I want to watch the "show" through tiny windows on my tv? Who thought this would be a good idea outside of Apple's marketing department?
Another awesome kickstarter! A cellular version of the Spark dev kit!
Another awesome kickstarter! A cellular version of the Spark dev kit!
Spark Electron: Cellular dev kit with a simple data plan by Spark IO — Kickstarter
Spark IO is raising funds for Spark Electron: Cellular dev kit with a simple data plan on Kickstarter!
The Electron is an Arduino-like cellular development kit with a SIM card and affordable data plan from the creators of the Spark Core.
Just backed the new Pebble Time
Just backed the new Pebble Time. I still use my original Kickstarter Pebble daily, super excited for the next version!
Pebble Time – Awesome Smartwatch, No Compromises by Pebble Technology — Kickstarter
Pebble Technology is raising funds for Pebble Time – Awesome Smartwatch, No Compromises on Kickstarter!
Color e-paper smartwatch with up to 7 days of battery and a new timeline interface that highlights what’s important in your day.
I love Elder Scrolls games. Found this note next to a skeleton in a cave filled with tigers in Elder Scrolls Online:
"No, no, no! This isn't working. Must begin again. I will hit on it eventually. I know it.
Too much silver, it seems. Need something less shimmery. The glow is too intense, can't focus.
Aha, yes, I'm brilliant! Not that I didn't know that already.
Yes, yes! Now I can feel them. The creatures' clever minds. I can sense them as they stalk their prey, as they compete for mates. Soon I will understand them truly and be their master!
Trouble. Very serious trouble. All was going well. I had established a pack. I was their leader. They respected me. Then I ran out of steaks. They look to me now, as before, but there is a glint of hunger in their eyes."
That awkward moment when you say you're going to IM someone and then realize…
That awkward moment when you say you're going to IM someone and then realize nobody's used AOL Instant Messenger in 10 years and there's probably a better term for it by now