Share images, URLs, and text directly to IRC with the latest versions of IRCClou…
Share images, URLs, and text directly to IRC with the latest versions of IRCCloud for Android and iOS 8
Looks like there's a 32bit version of the Android Chrome Runtime available! Not quite as smooth on my Chromebook as it is on my Mac, but still pretty cool!
Looks like there's a 32bit version of the Android Chrome Runtime available! Not quite as smooth on my Chromebook as it is on my Mac, but still pretty cool!
Made a simple MisterHouse controller app for my @Pebble today using CloudPebble and Pebble.js!
It connects to MisterHouse's web interface and allows you to control your Light_Items and X10_Appliance items, as well as toggling the security mode. Source is available on Github: it's not quite polished enough for a binary release yet. I've also published the script I use to forward MisterHouse TTS announcements to Pebble via Pushover:
This reminds me of The Room
This reminds me of The Room
Playing around with this modified version of the Chrome OS Android Runtime:
Playing around with this modified version of the Chrome OS Android Runtime: IRCCloud works pretty well, even the camera / photo uploader! Notifications don't work quite right though, as we use a custom notification layout which just appears empty 🙁 I hope they'll add 32-bit support to it in the future so I can use it on my actual Chromebook, it currently only works on 64-bit Chrome.
Started playing the original Professor Layton game to see whether I might like the new Professor Layton vs
Started playing the original Professor Layton game to see whether I might like the new Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright game on 3DS. I hope there wont be too many more of these highschool algebra puzzles in the game — though, I was impressed that I could still figure out the solution after all these years.
The screenshots of San Francisco in American Truck Simulator look amazing
The screenshots of San Francisco in American Truck Simulator look amazing. Really looking forward to playing it when it's released!
Riding the American Dream
Los Angeles and San Francisco are huge cities in the American Truck Simulator map. We haven’t tried to portray sprawling agglomerations of this type in our games until now, though there was a bit of a hint of it in 18 Wheels …