RSS overload

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So a lot of the web services I use online offer RSS feeds of various bits of information. I decided to slap all of these together into one gigantic ‘About Me’ page: About Me. It combines the old Contact and Links pages plus NetFlix, Last.Fm,, and a myspace-esque ‘interests’ section into one gigantic profile. There are probably more things I can add to it, like a short bio or something, but I think it’s busy enough as it is for now.

More like web 1.7

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The update to is now live. The whole site should be valid XHTML 1.0 strict except for the blog, ’cause I’m lazy and still write LJ my posts in HTML 4.01 transitional. Maybe if I get really bored one day I’ll go back and fix the img tags in my 10 most recent public entries.

Are you a top or a bottom?

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I’m working on a slight update to the layout, but I can’t decide whether to put the navigations links above or below the header. Click the links below to preview the two layouts and cast your votes to help me decide 🙂


Forums migrated to Vanilla

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I’ve replaced phpBB2 with Vanilla on Any users that had never posted on the forums and never submitted a score for DCSquares have been deleted, all other users have been migrated over. The user integration between Vanilla and the DCSquares site should be functioning the same (in fact, slightly better) as the phpBB2 version, so please let me know if anyone encounters any issues with the new forum system.

New layout

  • Post category:Web

The new website layout is now live! Everything should work in Internet Explorer now as well as Firefox and Safari. Check it out!

website update

  • Post category:Web

I’m working on an update for my website which features a much better looking layout, better livejournal integration, and flickr integration. It’s still got some quirks in Internet Explorer that I have to work out, and a few of the pages aren’t finished yet, but if you’re running Firefox you can check it out here. Feedback welcome.

DCSquares News

I’ve spent the day adding a buddy list feature to the DCSquares site:

Now you can see how your friends are doing! Also, DCSquares 1.4 Beta is now available for the Mac. 1.4 final should be released in a week or so!

AOLPress called: they want their template back!

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Alright, so my roommate jayyy finally convinced me that using a design from 1997 just wasn’t good enough anymore. The code behind the old site itself had changed a lot over time..

1997 – 1999: HTML in AOLPress
1999 – 2001: cgi
2001 – 2002: shtml
2002 – 2004: PHP + mySQL

But the look was still 1997. In fact, it’s even more bland than it was in 1997, because the menu buttons no longer have icons on them.

Introducing the new layout, sporting a more modern layout, and a syndicated RSS feed of my livejournal!

2004: PHP + RSS!

I still have some tweaking to do with the template and the subsections, but hopefully soon this will be replacing the old layout for good!

  • Post category:Web

It’s been a very long time since I’ve updated these pages, and I’ve found a solution for that. I’ll continue to post important updates, release announcements, etc. on here, but now I’ve got a LiveJournal account, and I’ll use that to post progress on projects, as well as personal posts, etc. LiveJournal allows a lot more freedom than these project pages do, and hopefully it’ll be better at keeping you all up to date. So here it is, my LiveJournal URL: Feel free to add me to your friends lists, post replies, etc. I’ve started the journal off with a short history of my programming carrer, as well as an update on the progress of DreamZZT. Enjoy!

I have a Journal!

  • Post category:LifeWeb

Ok, so after months of saying “I’ll never get one of those silly journals”, I finally broke down and got one. And here it is. Exciting, huh? Well, I’m hungry, so maybe I’ll post something else later.