Random Stats
Here are some interesting statistics from the DCSquares score database:
General Stats
- Total users that have submitted a score: 373
- Total games played: 50,097
- Total squares collected: 1,042,625
- Total time spent playing: 34 days (note: scores entered through the website do not record a time, so this is actually higher)
- Average games played per user: 138
- Average number of squares collected per game: 38
- Average score per game: 28,235
- Average combo per game: 45
- Average game time: 58 seconds
Players by platform
- Windows: 50%
- Mac: 48%
- Linux: 2%
- Dreamcast: 0% (only 23 scores ever submitted for Dreamcast)
Hall of fame:
- Highest score: DrunkenAryan scored 645,233 points
- Highest combo: spam collected 333 squares in a row
- Most squares: Harryfronman collected 620 squares
- Longest time: jason survived for 16:47 minutes
Hall of shame:
- Lowest score: csp scored 1,002 points (scores below 1,000 are rejected)
- Shortest time: mozza survived for 2 seconds
12 players only collected 1 square but managed to score more than 1000 points.
99% of players use the in-game score client, only 1% of scores were entered through the web.