DCSquares News

I’ve spent the day adding a buddy list feature to the DCSquares site:

Now you can see how your friends are doing! Also, DCSquares 1.4 Beta is now available for the Mac. 1.4 final should be released in a week or so!

A public beta of the next version of DCSquares for Windows is available to all registered users. Check out it here! A beta for the Mac and Dreamcast will be available in a few days.

It’s 4am I must be lonely

  • Post category:Windows

So after about 7 hours, i’ve completly rewritten DCSquares for Windows using MFC. Now it can have menus and dialog boxes and all kinds of fun things like the Mac version:

And now it’s time for sleep.

DCSquares 1.3

  • Post category:Windows

The latest version of DCSquares is out for Sega Dreamcast, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS X! Grab it from the brand new official website!

This new version features built in internet scores*, themes, and tons of bug fixes! Check out the ChangeLog on the downloads page for a complete list of changes.

Have fun!

* Online scoring on the Dreamcast requires a Broadband Adapter or LAN Adapter

The latest version of DCSquares is out for Sega Dreamcast, Microsoft Windows, and Mac OS X! Grab it from the brand new official website!

This new version features built in internet scores, themes, and tons of bug fixes! Check out the ChangeLog on the downloads page for a complete list of changes.


  • Post category:Windows

Our latest game is out! Check out the all-new, addictive DCSquares!

Instructions, screenshots, cd covers, and binaries for the Dreamcast, Windows, and MacOS X are available at the DCSquares homepage!

Have fun!

Big big big huge thanks to Gil, Gee, and Ty for helping this all come together. You guys rock!

DCSquares 0.8

  • Post category:Windows

In case you haven’t played it before, everyone should go play Squares 2.



We’ve been working on a clone of Squares 2 for the Sega Dreamcast, Mac OS X, linux, and Microsoft Windows. Mac users can check out a sneak preview here.

This has only been tested on Mac OS 10.3 (Panther) and is the first time I’ve released a game for Mac, so I’d like to get an idea whether I got it right or not 🙂

Stay tuned for the Windows, linux, and Sega Dreamcast versions, as well as the official website, which should be ready in the next few weeks!

Blap Blap

I’ve been working on making the DCBlap menus look a big more professional.

My, that’s a small house!

  • Post category:Windows

Ok, I’m finally happy enough with my little demo to show everyone! I’ve been adding some new effects to the DCBlap engine to eventually use it for my IT360 (Intro to computer graphics) project.

Here’s a run-down of the new features:

  • Dynamic, colored lighting
  • Parallax sky texture
  • sin-wave animation effect on water
  • Scrolling textures

If you wanna play with the demo, you can grab the Dreamcast version here or the Windows version here. The windows version will run under WINE for linux users, which is another improvement over DCBlap.

The demo uses the standard first-person shooter controls for the respective platform.

Mouse looks around, up and down walk forward and backward, left and right turn, A and D strafe left and right. You can hit ESC to exit.

Analog stick looks around, Y moves forward, A moves backward, X strafes left, and B strafes right. You can press Start to exit.

Fsck you, theif!

As my way of saying fsck you to who ever has my laptop, I’ve revived the MS-DOS build of DreamZZT, and decided to pit it head-to-head (or xdosemu window to xdosemu window) with the original ZZT:

It still needs a bit more polishing before release, but it works well enough (even saving / restoring!), and I’m not gonna let the loss of my laptop stop me from coding. I’m hoping to do another release within a few days.