+Steven Troughton-Smith playing with adb on the Nexus Q
+Steven Troughton-Smith playing with adb on the Nexus Q
+Steven Troughton-Smith playing with adb on the Nexus Q
Cute Wi-Fi access point name at #io12
Keynote about to begin! #io12
Setting my alarm crazy early to make sure I get to Moscone on time tomorrow #io12
Reshared post from +Last.fm
Help train Last.fm to get better at categorizing your music!
Our new "robot ears" research app is live at playground.last.fm. You will need to be a registered user to play with this. Read more about it on the blog:
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Last.fm – the Blog · Do you have robot ears?
Help! We need somebody. Actually, we need a whole bunch of somebodies to help us evaluate some new ways to tag tracks. The research team here at Last.fm have been investigating various interesting pro…