MobileScrobbler 1.4.0

  • Post category:iPhone

New Features

  • Redesigned layout
  • Redesigned Now Playing screens by Jan Garcia
  • Browse your friends and listen to their radio stations
  • Keeps a list of your recent radio stations so you can easily restart them
  • Configure MobileScrobbler settings through
  • Multitouch gestures to ban, love, and skip tracks
  • View your top artists, top tracks, and top albums
  • Ban and love tracks from the Recent Tracks list
  • Remove ban and love from the Recently Banned and Recently Loved lists
  • Browse a top listener’s profile by tapping their username
  • Display arbitrary track metadata by passing command line arguments -track, -artist, and -album
  • Empty the metadata and image caches with the tap of a button
  • Compatible with firmware 1.1.3

Bug Fixes

  • Increase scrobbler daemon startup delay
  • Continue updating the progress scrubber while scrolling
  • Hide the ‘Now Playing’ button if nothing is playing
  • Don’t scrobble podcasts and audio books
  • Require confirmation for loving / banning tracks
  • Plug a few memory leaks
  • Faster loading of track and user data

MobileScrobbler 1.4.0 should be available in Commuity Sources in a few days. Until then, it is available from my beta repository at

Upcoming server downtime

  • Post category:Life

DreamHost will be moving the server that hosts most of my sites on February 8th, and they’ll be unreachable during that time. This also affects those of you with sites on my hosting plan.

Due to continued space and power constraints in our primary data center, we will be moving the “randy” cluster to one of our newer data centers. This move will begin Friday, February 8, at 10PM PST, and is expected to last up to 8 hours, until Saturday, February 9, 6AM PST. All web servers, mail servers, file servers, and MySQL servers in the randy cluster will be unreachable during this time.

The following web servers will be off line during this move:

alexander arkanoid attila baht bam bob bomberman breakout caesar centipede contra cornelius cortes crack cruisin cssmania deblume defender digdug dinar dinero dollar donkeykong ellipsis euro fidget forint franc gage galaga gap go grant guilder happy herod ikari ike io ivan jezebel joust karnov katamari khan klax korben kroner lamlam leeloo lei limbo-randy limbo-randy2 limbo-randy3 lira lucky mark marvin morgan napoleon nexus nimitz orbital pacman paperboy patton peso pizarro pound qbert quid rhod ruble rupee rygar scagnetti schilling scipio shekel slaughter slimy tetris ugh ultima venice vex vito wasabi yen yoda zorg

If your site is on any of these servers this status post applies to you. Also, if you check the “Account Status” button on the upper right hand of the webpanel ( ) you should see your cluster under the section “Your Email Server:”. We are also sending out an email announcement about this downtime window to affected customers.

We do apologize for this inconvenience. Rest assured we will do everything possible to keep downtime to a minimum.

If you have any questions regarding the server move, please contact our support team.

MobileScrobbler on firmware 1.1.3

  • Post category:iPhone

MobileScrobbler 1.4 will be compatible with firmware 1.1.3 using Nate True’s soft update jailbreak.

Starting with MobileScrobbler 1.4 beta 2 which should be out tomorrow, there will be two separate packages, one for firmware 1.1.1/1.1.2 and one for firmware 1.1.3, due to slight differences in the new firmware that are not compatible with previous versions.

Update: MobileScrobbler 1.4 beta 2 is now available in my beta repository for both firmware 1.1.1/1.1.2 and the new firmware 1.1.3. You can grab it by adding the following repository and installing the MobileScrobbler package:

Update #2: I’ve removed 1.4b2 for firmware 1.1.1/1.1.2 as it appears to be crashing. I’ll downgrade my iPhone tonight and get that resolved. The package for firmware 1.1.3 is still working fine.

Update #3: MobileScrobbler 1.4b2-3 should resolve the “Database too busy” and “Scrobbler is working offline” issues. Please refresh your sources in and install this update.

Update #4: MobileScrobbler 1.4b3 is now available. This release is compatible with the dev team’s official 1.1.3 jailbreak. Also, a separate package is no longer required for the 1.1.3 version. Please remove the “MobileScrobbler (1.1.3)” package and use the standard MobileScrobbler package instead. NOTE: If you use the dev team’s official 1.1.3 jailbreak, the preferences application will not be able to start / stop the scrobbler when you press the toggle button. You must reboot your device for the change to take affect.

MobileScrobbler 1.4 beta 1

  • Post category:iPhone

The first public beta of MobileScrobbler 1.4 is ready for testing! Add the following repository to to upgrade to 1.4b1:

Please report any issues into the bug tracker, and if you want to revert back to 1.2.6 you can safely downgrade using the Community Sources package.

MobileScrobbler 1.4 Preview

  • Post category:iPhone

Curious about the future of MobileScrobbler? I’ve put together a screenshot tour of some of the new features. Check out the MobileScrobbler 1.4 preview.

I will set up a beta repository later this month for users that would like to test the new version. Stay tuned!

MobileScrobbler 1.2.5

  • Post category:iPhone

New Features

  • Use album art from iTunes when available
  • Cache album art for local songs
  • Handle LyricWiki #Redirect macro
  • Norwegian translation by Remi Reksten
  • Polish translation by b4it
  • Simplified Chinese translation by Jimmy Lvo

Bug Fixes

  • Fix scrobbling over EDGE
  • Prevent MobileMusicPlayer from being launched when polling playback status
  • Improved scrobble daemon startup
  • Shut down scrobble daemon when scrobbling is disabled
  • Make silent.wav dummy sound actually silent
  • Use the 50×50 square avatar image from

MobileScrobbler 1.2.5 should be available in Community Sources shortly.

oh, deer..

  • Post category:Life

Sohail: i hate fucking deer
Sam: they don’t fancy it much either
Sohail: yeah well, tell them the rash’ll clear up in a few days!

2007 in review

  • Post category:Life


  • Visited Jay in Key West
  • Hit Brian in the nuts with a wiimote while bowling
  • DreamZZT gets an online leaderboard


  • My eBay account got hacked


  • Started a new job
  • Added a few automation features to my LiveJournal for Flickr photos, StumbleUpon Favorites, and IM transcript formatting


  • Accidentally wiped my PowerBook’s harddrive
  • Our basement flooded
  • Started biking again
  • Bought a keyboard, started re-learning to play piano
  • Discovered the awesomeness that is Coda
  • Built a new MythTV box




  • DreamZZT gets SuperZZT support


  • DreamZZT can save SuperZZT games
  • Nintendo DS port of DreamZZT gets online features


  • Bought an 8GB iPhone after the price drop
  • Got an iPod dock connector for the head unit in my Ford Fusion


  • Got a request to produce another DCSquares jewel case (still haven’t gotten around to doing it…)
  • Bought an old Galaxy II tabletop game on eBay


  • Gil and Brian took me out for dinner for my birthday
  • Joined a gym
  • Beat Toejam & Earl 2: Panic on Funkatron with my sister on the Wii Virtual Console
  • MobileScrobbler is released
  • Stabbed myself in the hand at work while unpacking a flat panel


  • MobileScrobbler gets radio streaming, lyrics, and translated into 3 languages

MobileScrobbler 1.2.3

  • Post category:iPhone

Bug Fixes
* Keep aspect ratio when scaling profile image
* Hide the prefs keyboard when touching the Done button, a toggle slider, or a table cell title
* Correct a typo in the French translation
* Empty the queue more frequently and properly recover from server timeout errors
* Reduce the font size on the love/ban/skip labels since firmware 1.1.1 doesn’t support auto-resizing. This prevents the French translation of “Love” from being truncated.

It should be available in Community Sources shortly.

MobileScrobbler 1.2.2

  • Post category:iPhone

New Features
* French translation by Yann Jouanique and Laurent Desmonceaux
* Display lyrics stored in IDv3 tag if present
* Localize the display of numbers and dates
* Display the remaining time instead of the duration
* Improved events view layout

Bug Fixes
* Better detection of tapping vs. scrolling in the playback view
* Hide the gender field if empty
* Center the radio station title
* Resize the UIScrollerView when switching between views
* Use an alternate method of displaying the profile image
* Use an alternate method of detecting wifi connection, avoids a crash if CommCenter service has been stopped on an iPhone (you must disable EDGE usage in the preferences first if you intend to stop CommCenter)

It should be available in Community Sources shortly.

Edit: There was a problem with 1.2.2 running on firmware 1.1.1. This issue has been resolved, please upgrade to version 1.2.2a.