Last.FM Radio Streaming, part 1

  • Post category:iPhone

I’ve got the radio streaming hooked up to the Now Playing UI:

I still need to add a way to select a station to listen to, and make it scrobble the radio tracks as you listen to them. Hopefully I’ll have everything completed this weekend.

Last.FM Radio

  • Post category:iPhone

It took me almost all night but I got Last.FM radio streams to play through MobileScrobbler! There’s no user interface yet so no screenshots, maybe I’ll have some ready tonight.

Work is gonna suck on 3 hours of sleep though.

Music Exploration

  • Post category:iPhone

One of the nicest features of the Last.FM desktop client is the artist info / track info that is displayed as you listen to your music.

Soon it will be available from within MobileScrobbler:

It should be finished and available in a few days!

MobileScrobbler 1.0.2b Released

  • Post category:iPhone

MobileScrobbler 1.0.2b is now available. This fixes a bug introduced with the last release that would cause songs to get stuck in the queue forever. I’ve also increased the size of the queue to 250 songs.

This release also includes new graphics that were posted by a user in the comments of the 1.1.1 announcement. Thanks so much for the new graphics, they look great!

MobileScrobbler 1.0.1 Released

  • Post category:iPhone

MobileScrobbler 1.0.1 is now available. This is a bug fix release that should address some of the issues iPod Touch users have reported.

* Don’t try to enable EDGE on an iPod Touch
* Display a first run tip for iPod Touch users informing them that MobileScrobbler works best with a constant internet connection
* New “Session Statistics” button that displays how many tracks have been scrobbled and how many are still in the queue, as well as the last status code received from AudioScrobbler
* Misc. improvements to the queuing process when there’s no internet connection

Complete list of changes

MobileScrobbler 1.0.0 Released

  • Post category:iPhone

MobileScrobbler connects your Apple iPhone with the social music website. As you listen to music on your iPhone, MobileScrobbler sends the title, artist, and album to the website. uses this information to suggest new music, new friends, concerts, and events based on the music you listen to.

The source code is available under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.

MobileScrobler Updates

  • Post category:iPhone

I’ve made a bit more progress on Mobile Scrobbler:

The status bar at the bottom has been replaced with a UIProgressHUD (see the spinny thing in the picture), and the app now puts a music note icon in the status bar indicating it’s running in the background.

It now also has basic error reporting when things go wrong. I also added code to make the iPhone connect to the EDGE network if it isn’t already, so scrobbling should work on EDGE as well as wifi.

I still need to add queuing code for when you’re in an area without signal, and I’m still waiting for to assign me a client ID. I’m hoping to be able to release MobileScrobbler soon!


  • Post category:iPhone

Introducing MobileScrobler, a audioscrobbler client for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch.

It runs in the background on your iPhone/iPod Touch and automatically submits songs you play to your profile.

I have to wait for to assign me a client ID before I can release it.

Animal Parts

  • Post category:Life

Sam: yo the “help me decide” thing for deodorant lists “for vegetarians” as an option.. I’m intrigued
Sam: all it does is turn off “deodorant only” and leaves the antiperspirant / deodorant ones
Sam: now I think I want deodorant only, just to mess with vegetarians
Sohail: there is something wrong with you
Sam: dude who doesn’t want animal parts all up in their underarms?
Sohail: i love animal parts up under my arms
Sam: I’m curious as to what animal parts the deodorant has
Sam: I hope it’s made from something adorable, like bunnies
Sohail: more like its got gelatin or something
Sam: that’s much less amusing to imagine


  • Post category:Life

Dear TV,

Why are you so awesome this season?  I’m watching so many shows this time I hardly have time for anything else after work.  Here’s what I’m watching now:

The Simpsons
Family Guy
American Dad
Desperate Housewives
Robot Chicken

How I Met Your Mother
Samantha Who?

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Pushing Daisies
‘Til Death
Bionic Woman
Private Practice
The Sarah Silverman Program

My Name is Earl
Ugly Betty
30 Rock
Grey’s Anatomy
Drawn Together

Women’s Murder Club
America’s Psychic Challenge (yeah I know, but it’s actually kind of interesting)

I also watch The Daily Show / The Colbert Report, and I’ve been catching reruns of The King of Queens which is surprisingly funny.

I’m so glad my MythTV box has two tuners and a 300GB drive.

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