Lock-On Technology!

  • Post category:Life

Sam: /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Jay: spikes
Sam: if you touch them, you’ll lose all your rings
Sam: ____/\/\/\/\_______ ________—-_____|___
Sam: there’s a Sonic level for you
Sam: I was going to add a loop, but it wouldn’t look right without a monospace font

/ \       
\_/_____/\/\/\/\____         ____-----____+__

Sam: >^_^< can be the boss at the end Sam: then you jump on a O and lots of . . . . . .'s jump around Sam: well, more like a [_]

Analyze This!

  • Post category:Life

Handwriting Analysis
What does your handwriting say about YOU?

You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.
You are a person who thinks before acting, intelligent and thorough.
You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present.
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.

Candy Blocks

  • Post category:Life

The yellow candy blocks taste like candy cigarettes. Remember when cigarettes were cool? I haven’t had a candy cigarette in a long time, do they even still make them?

Candy ♥

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Carly and Gil both got me the same thing for my birthday: candy shaped like LEGO blocks!

I spent the morning building with them and eating them, and I uploaded some pics to flickr.

I also used some of my birthday money to upgrade to a Flickr pro account, so I can have more than 3 photo sets now 🙂

Damn you, Williams Street!

  • Post category:Life

[Adult Swim] moved the premier of Perfect Hair Forever from Nov. 13th to Nov 20th :'(


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My tummy is officially staple-free!


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Cut it out!


  • Post category:Life

For those of you wondering why I haven’t been around lately, here’s a quick recap:

Thursday night I was having some pain in my abdomen, thought it was gas or food poisoning from the sushi at work or the potato salad from dinner. Went to bed, got 3 hours of sleep, and went to work. About 2PM I couldn’t deal with the pain anymore, went to CVS for some gas-x, took some and went to bed. At 4PM I woke up again, still in pain, and had my mom drive me to the E.R.

In the E.R. they did some X-Rays and a CAT (meow!) scan, and determined I had accute appendicitis and needed to have my appendix removed. They took it out saturday around noon, and I’ve been recovering in the hospital until today.

Big big thanks to everyone that visited and called, I really missed you guys.