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Ugh! So I’ve been out of allergy meds since Friday, and I was fine all weekend.. Brian and I were even driving around with the windows down and my eyes were a little itchy but nothing unbearable. Until I was trying to fall asleep last night.. my nose started running. I woke up this morning and I’m not any better.. my eyes are watery and itchey and I’m sneezing. Today is gonna suck.


  • Post category:Life

So, I haven’t made a public post in a while, i suppose I probably should at some point.

Things have been pretty busy with DCSquares lately. We’re working hard on a major update, as well as an additional project that we’ll mention as it comes closer to being released.

Things have also been pretty busy at work. The projects I’m working on there are nearing completion, and then it’s time for me to look for another job. Jay has suggested looking for employment in CA so we can be roommates again, and it’s definitely something I’m considering.

Speaking of the west coast, I recently discovered that an old friend of mine, Samantha, has a LiveJournal account! She’s a really awesome chick, and I’m proud to share the same first name as her. I look forward to chatting with her, and hopefully more of our old group of friends sometime.

Finally, I’ve uploaded some more photos of New Zealand to my flickr account. This batch is from a trip my whole family took (me, carly, mom, dad, grandma, aunt roberta) to various places in NZ. This is probably the last batch of photos I’ll be scanning in, because it’s a PITA and I’d like to start putting more of my own photos on there instead of my Dad’s.

Do not Flash iPod Shuffle

  • Post category:Macintosh

R.I.P Shufflez0r

01/12/2005 – 04/05/2005

Last night my iPod Shuffle was connected to my Mac, and suddenly I got the unsafe device removal warning, and now he wont connect to any computers or play music. If I leave him alone for a while, he half wakes up.. I can check the battery charge one time, or make the power light blink a little, and then he goes back into his coma. I browsed Apple’s forums and it seems other people that upgraded to the 1.1 firmware are having similar shuffle-comas. Apple’s shipping me a replacement, it should arrive in 1 – 2 business days.

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we did our powerpoint presentations for NET120 tonight.. and I was the only person that had slide transitions, and had the bullet items come up one at a time each time you hit spacebar so you can talk about each one seperately.. so he wrote “Bold use of PowerPoint” as a comment.. haha. I don’t get it, does noone else know how to use powerpoint? if you’re gonna just have static slides, what’s the point?

btw if you’re really bored, you can grab my presentation from here


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Gil, Brian, Adrienne, and I spent the day in New York at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was a lot of fun, but my feet are sore from all the walking. Afterwards we ate at the new italian place in east windsor, and then Gil and I went to see Robots, which is also very good.

Anyway I’m too tired to elaborate, so I’ll write something more interesting later.


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I almost hit a MATTRESS on the way home from work! It fell off the back of a truck and took up the entire right lane of 133E. Didn’t see it until the car in front of me swerved to avoid it. Scary stuff!


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Microsoft’s guide to l33tspeak. Quite amusing. It’s not often you get to see “ph34r my l33t skillz” on an official Microsoft page 🙂