Random AIM quote

  • Post category:Life

Sam: *shrug* straight guys seem to think lesbians will want to have sex with them, so they’re no better. lol
Gil: holy crap, that made sense entirely

Shiney Red

  • Post category:Life

W00t! The replacement housing for my SonyEricsson T616 came today!

Lickable Squares

  • Post category:Macintosh

The Mac version of DCSquares is starting to catch up to the Windows version again:

Here, themall, have a trophy

  • Post category:Life

I was holiday shopping at the mall and I found a really cool candle:

It looks a lot better on my desk than the stack of papers that it replaced.

Jay-Sam Day!

  • Post category:Life

So yesterday I got to spend the day with Jay, who I haven’t seen in 3 months. It was great! We walked around the mall a bit, and chilled with his uncle + family for a birthday party. They had yummy food and even yummier ice-cream cake! He also got a haircut, so his hair isn’t boring and chicago anymore. He’s been pretty busy with work, so hopefully we’ll get to spend more time together in the future.

768MB rocks!

  • Post category:Macintosh

Right now my PowerBook is running Finder, Firefox, Mail, iTerm, AdiumX, BluePhoneElite, XCode, MythTV, XJournal, WeatherMenu, Salling Clicker, MenuCalendarClock, and a few other random things, and I’m not feeling any slowdown 🙂

Yay for memory upgrades!

You win this time, Apple

  • Post category:Macintosh

So my PowerBook finally convinced me to get more memory (256MB RAM was just not enough for what I need it for). Crucial currently has free next-day shipping, so it arrived yesterday morning!

Yay, an extra 512MB now. That should be plenty.

A public beta of the next version of DCSquares for Windows is available to all registered users. Check out it here! A beta for the Mac and Dreamcast will be available in a few days.

It’s 4am I must be lonely

  • Post category:Windows

So after about 7 hours, i’ve completly rewritten DCSquares for Windows using MFC. Now it can have menus and dialog boxes and all kinds of fun things like the Mac version:

And now it’s time for sleep.