
  • Post category:Windows

Our latest game is out! Check out the all-new, addictive DCSquares!

Instructions, screenshots, cd covers, and binaries for the Dreamcast, Windows, and MacOS X are available at the DCSquares homepage!

Have fun!

Big big big huge thanks to Gil, Gee, and Ty for helping this all come together. You guys rock!

  • Post category:Dreamcast

Our latest game, DCSquares, is released! Check it out on the DCSquares page! Major shoutouts to Gil, Eric, Ty, and everyone else that helped get this going!

DCSquares 0.8

  • Post category:Windows

In case you haven’t played it before, everyone should go play Squares 2.



We’ve been working on a clone of Squares 2 for the Sega Dreamcast, Mac OS X, linux, and Microsoft Windows. Mac users can check out a sneak preview here.

This has only been tested on Mac OS 10.3 (Panther) and is the first time I’ve released a game for Mac, so I’d like to get an idea whether I got it right or not 🙂

Stay tuned for the Windows, linux, and Sega Dreamcast versions, as well as the official website, which should be ready in the next few weeks!

Welcome to Macintosh.

  • Post category:Macintosh

Powerbook, meet LiveJournal.

LiveJournal, meet PowerBook:

He’s a 12-inch 1.33Ghz G4 PowerBook with 256MB RAM, 60GB harddrive, and a SuperDrive (CD-RW and DVD-ROM), and he arrived monday!

  • Post category:Life

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
c99koder goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as your mom.
codymah gives you 5 purple lime-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
ebolaprjr gives you 1 red-orange grape-flavoured gumdrops.
exphyl gives you 12 mauve blueberry-flavoured gummy bats.
insidious_plots tricks you! You get a broken balloon.
jayyy gives you 7 orange mint-flavoured gummy bears.
kvance gives you 8 light blue apple-flavoured jelly beans.
mdl gives you 17 tan passionfruit-flavoured gumdrops.
stargazer42 gives you 15 green strawberry-flavoured wafers.
totally49 gives you 1 brown coffee-flavoured nuggets.
waco616 gives you 16 tan orange-flavoured gumdrops.
c99koder ends up with 82 pieces of candy, and a broken balloon.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

  • Post category:Life

*looks at the current world’s population* You must have a lot of frustration then.

What pisses you off?
Created by ptocheia

  • Post category:Life

(20:08:04) Gee: ah shit! i’m watching this show, “lost”, and this guy totally just got sucked through a plain engine
(20:08:08) Gee: it was fuckin weird
(20:08:17) Sam Steele: woah
(20:08:26) Sam Steele: tell him to stop
(20:09:40) Gee: hehe, i don’t think he’d be able to hear me. his ear is way seperated from his life

PowerBook is coming!

  • Post category:Life

Dear Apple Customer,

The following products shipped on 09/22/2004. Transit time will
depend upon whether you have chosen standard or premium freight
options. If your order is shipping standard freight, it should arrive
within 10 days of shipment.

M9183LL/A PBG4 12.1/1.33/256/60/COMB0/APX-USA
With the following configuration:

Memory 065-4946 256MB DDR333 SDRAM
Hard Drive 065-4950 60GB Ultra ATA Drive 4200 RPM
Optical Drive 065-4953 Combo Drive (DVD-ROM/CD-RW)
Airport 065-4956 Airport Extreme Card
Keyboard/Mac OS Language 065-5059 Keyboard/Mac OS
Custom SW I 065-4683 Not Applicable

The above products have been shipped to:

Sam Steele

FedEx website says it’s in Shanhai, China right now. Guess they ship ’em from the factory instead of a warehouse.

  • Post category:Life

(22:14:02) Sam Steele: cute
(22:16:09) Brian Pinney: yes
(22:16:12) Brian Pinney: it is cute
(22:16:26) Sam Steele: it’s adorable! fabulous!
(22:16:39) Brian Pinney: stop using that word
(22:16:58) Sam Steele: you’re silly.
(22:16:59) Brian Pinney: oh man