Mining fuel in the ring around a planet for the DSSA fleetPost published:June 13, 2020Post category:Photos
DSSA Distant Worlds jumping (don’t worry, I caught up with it again before the next jumpPost published:June 12, 2020Post category:Photos
Docked my mining ship at the DSSA Distant Worlds, waiting for the Aphelion Expedition to departPost published:June 9, 2020Post category:Photos
Hanging out in the back of @sebi673’s Ursa rover on microTechPost published:May 26, 2020Post category:Photos
Just hanging out with some NPCs while waiting for @sebi673Post published:May 5, 2020Post category:Photos
“Your pilot @sebi673 is arriving soon in an Avenger Titan.”Post published:April 30, 2020Post category:Photos
Watching @sebi673 buzz the New Babbage landing zone sky bridge on MicrotechPost published:April 30, 2020Post category:Photos