Tom Nook gets so mad when you try to use the Amiibo terminal in his office to invite him to the campsite 😂Post published:March 31, 2020Post category:Photos
Another day of staying home and playing games all dayPost published:March 22, 2020Post category:Photos
Waiting for @sebi673 to pick me up at Levski on DelamarPost published:March 19, 2020Post category:Photos
Watching @sebi673 land his Avenger Titan at Port OlisarPost published:March 4, 2020Post category:Photos
“Sorry about the smell, the cargo lift on the Origin 300i is broken so I had to store your package in the bathroom”Post published:February 26, 2020Post category:Photos
Not sure I want to know what’s in that container marked “NO TOUCH!” in this mining outpostPost published:February 24, 2020Post category:Photos