The next Phoenix Wright game looks amazing, really hope they'll release an E…
The next Phoenix Wright game looks amazing, really hope they'll release an English version!
So glad
So glad is back!
I have way too much fun with the photo mode in Euro Truck Simulator 2
I have way too much fun with the photo mode in Euro Truck Simulator 2. The ProMods map is full of really great scenery! Every few miles I have to stop and take a screenshot of something, so it takes me forever to complete a job 😛
That awkward minute where you're not sure if your Nexus 7's battery is d…
That awkward minute where you're not sure if your Nexus 7's battery is dead or the slow flash chip is just taking a long time to wake from sleep
A few more screenshots of my adventures around Tamriel in +
A few more screenshots of my adventures around Tamriel in +The Elder Scrolls Online
Ugh, so apparently my +
Ugh, so apparently my +Origin account got hacked back in November, and EA didn't think to send any emails or other notifications about all the failed foreign transactions until one finally succeeded today. Luckily I don't actually use Origin so the card on file was expired anyway.
The new loading screen artwork in Elder Scrolls Online update 6 is really nice!
The new loading screen artwork in Elder Scrolls Online update 6 is really nice!