Go home, European roadsPost published:July 29, 2014Post category:UncategorizedGo home, European roads. You are drunk.
Euro Truck Simulator? More like Stuck-in-Traffic SimulatorPost published:July 26, 2014Post category:UncategorizedEuro Truck Simulator? More like Stuck-in-Traffic Simulator.
Go home, weather cardPost published:July 6, 2014Post category:UncategorizedGo home, weather card. You are drunk.
IRCCloud for Android now supports Android Wear notifications!Post published:July 5, 2014Post category:UncategorizedIRCCloud for Android now supports Android Wear notifications!
Last year I watched the Google I/O keynote on my Nexus Q, this year it's a ChromecastPost published:June 25, 2014Post category:UncategorizedLast year I watched the Google I/O keynote on my Nexus Q, this year it's a Chromecast. Next year, Android TV?
Forgot how much note-taking is involved while playing MystPost published:June 25, 2014Post category:Photos
Started playing MYST againPost published:June 24, 2014Post category:UncategorizedStarted playing MYST again. Forgot how much note taking is involved!
Not sure if Phoenix Wright or Judge JudyPost published:June 22, 2014Post category:UncategorizedNot sure if Phoenix Wright or Judge Judy
Experimenting with Android Wear notifications in IRCCloudPost published:May 20, 2014Post category:UncategorizedExperimenting with Android Wear notifications in IRCCloud