So, Dr
So, Dr. CAPSLOCK confirmed that I have DIABETES. Need to visit an endocrinologist tomorrow morning for more tests 🙁 A rant about how Dr. CAPSLOCK is pretty much the worst doctor I've ever visited will be coming after I've calmed down a bit.
Trying to decide between a doctor WITH A LOT OF ALL CAPS TEXT on his site vs
Trying to decide between a doctor WITH A LOT OF ALL CAPS TEXT on his site vs. a doctor that left some Lorem Ipsum text on one of his site's pages. It's 2013, why is it still so frustrating to find a decent doctor in my town?
I may have accidentally killed Jeb on the Mun, but his memory will live on in st…
I may have accidentally killed Jeb on the Mun, but his memory will live on in statue form on my shelf!
Jebediah Kerman on IVA
Jebediah Kerman from Kerbal Space Program