IRCCloud's mobile apps are now open source!
IRCCloud's mobile apps are now open source!
Mobile apps open sourced | IRCCloud Blog
Our iOS and Android apps have been available for a while now, and we’ve been busy keeping them both up to date. We just released IRCCloud for iOS 1.2 on iTunes and IRCCloud for Android 1.0.8 on Play. The mobile apps have proven to be excellent companions to the web app and we want to thank you …
Meant to include this screenshot of the model in the last post, shame G+ doesn't let you add more photos later
The model was imported into Blender using a python script that parses the old DCBlap level files. Annoyingly, Blender changed the scripting API after I had written the original script, so I had to use an ancient version under WINE to do the initial import, and then I could open the blender model in a newer version to adjust the textures, scale, etc.
Printed one of the levels from my old DCBlap game using Shapeways' color sandstone 3D printing
Printed one of the levels from my old DCBlap game using Shapeways' color sandstone 3D printing. It turned out amazing!
Woah! Some website just sent me to mapquest to get directions
Woah! Some website just sent me to mapquest to get directions. Seriously, mapquest? What is this, 2004?