All kids, outta the pool!

  • Post category:Life

[Adult Swim] had a pretty funny bump last night:

America you are fat

It’s cool though.

When France sees you
and is like

onh honh honh America
vous étes le fatty fat

You tell France to go
suck a stale croissant


Because you are xenophonic
and not that clever

But you are America

and proud to be fat

You’re the world’s
A #1 consumer

[behind China]

So tell those frogs over
there in frogtown

That you love their pencil lead
and City of Light

but you are big and will
crush their dumb French heads.

We call that diplomacy

[Adult Swim]

Thanks, AdultSwim!

  • Post category:Life

Adult Swim has the best birthday present for me ever:

Perfect Hair Forever will now premiere Sunday, November 13 at 12:15 a.m.