Haha! Very cool Donkey Kong jenga game on tonight's episode of +The Big Bang…
Haha! Very cool Donkey Kong jenga game on tonight's episode of +The Big Bang Theory
Haha! Very cool Donkey Kong jenga game on tonight's episode of +The Big Bang Theory
Yay, Minecraft 1.1 is out! Hopefully it wont take too long for Bukkit to update!
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Minecraft 1.1 Update
We are excited to announce that Minecraft 1.1 is out! Jeb and Jon have been hard at work squashing bugs and creating amazing new features. Below is a list of some of the added features: – Bow Enchantm…
Nice article about Adruino on +Lifehacker today!
Reshared post from +Adam Pash
A little CES counterprogramming: Make your own gadgets.
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How to Start Making Your Own Electronics with Arduino and Other People's Code
The annual Consumer Electronics Show is in session, and thousands of people have rushed to Las Vegas stare at next year's dust-gathering trash. Maybe you can do better.
Very cool data visualization
Reshared post from +Matthew Hawn
Last.fm's Best of 2011 is up today – summarising what the world actually listened to in 2011 across 20 countries and 15 different tags/genres. One of our designers, +Paul Blunden, did an amazing data visualisation of the top 80 artists who had their first scrobble in 2011. Each line is the scrobble history of that band in 2011.
The data is real and the image should be familiar to some of you…
You can read about Best of 2011 and download the poster for free at our blog: http://blog.last.fm/
I wonder how long it will be until we see this kind of technology in regular glasses
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Lumus see-through wearable display hands-on
Lumus was showing off two different types of wearable displays, the development kit — or DK-32 shown above — and the PD-18-4 a monocular versio
The Last.fm Best of 2011 chart is out! Surprised to see the Portal 2 soundtrack so high up on the New Discoveries tab.
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Last.fm's Best of 2011
The biggest artists in the world based on the music played by Last.fm listeners.
I don't usually share animated gifs, but this one is very cool!
Reshared post from +Edward Rodriguez
Too cool!
After fighting with Adobe Digital Editions, I've managed to start reading The Help on my Nook! Saw the movie last week, it was quite good. Would have preferred to read the book first, but a lot of other people were ahead of me in the library queue 😛
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The Help
The Help has 268,085 ratings and 46,681 reviews. Annalisa said: Here is an illustrative tale of what it was like to be a black maid during the civil rights…
Wow, Adobe Digital Editions is a horrible piece of software! Constantly beachballing, and didn't properly authorize my Nook the first time so I had to hunt down where it stores its settings, delete the folder, and re-authorize my Nook. It then insists on indexing all the ePub files already on my Nook and popping up dialog boxes for every B&N encrypted file that it can't read. I think I'll stick with using the Kindle app on my Nook to read library books, the "ePub" icon on Overdrive's site is very misleading.
B&N really need to integrate Overdrive into their lending system the way Amazon has so i can just add the library book to my device over-the-air when I check it out.