Experimenting with the attendee table in the Calendar app to show which of your friends…
Experimenting with the attendee table in the Calendar app to show which of your friends are also attending a concert, but I'm running into some issues:
• The Yes/Maybe/No section wont appear when the calendar access level is set to CAL_ACCESS_RESPOND as the docs indicate, I had to set it to CAL_ACCESS_OWNER in order to see it
• The Yes/Maybe/No state wont persist after selecting something and pressing the back button, for an event created by my sync adapter. However, if I manually create a new event in the Calendar app, the state will persist
• Pressing the edit button crashes the Calendar app for an event created by my sync adapter (CAL_ACCESS_RESPOND would avoid this, as the edit button would be gone)
• Attendees require an email address. I'm currently just setting this to the Last.fm username, and adding a matching email address to the contacts sync adapter. The "Last.fm" custom type email address doesn't show up in the People app, so this seems ok for now
• Even though the QuickContact box matched the last.fm username email address (as it shows the icon), tapping the QuickContact box pops up a dialog asking if I'd like to add the user to my address book, instead of displaying the QuickContact card
Anybody else working with the new Calendar APIs yet?
Added a calendar sync adapter to the Last.fm app for Android 4.0
Now you can view your past and upcoming Last.fm events in the calendar app!
Yay! Google+ stuff is finally coming to Google Reader!
Yay! Google+ stuff is finally coming to Google Reader!
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Official Google Reader Blog: Upcoming changes to Reader: a new look, new Google+ features, and some clean-up
Thursday, October 20, 2011 by Unknown. Posted by Alan Green, Software Engineer In the next week, we'll be making some highly requested changes to Google Reader. First, we're going to introduce…
Android 4.0 looks awesome! Looking forward to playing with the enhanced QuickContact…
Android 4.0 looks awesome! Looking forward to playing with the enhanced QuickContact / Social stuff and I'm glad there's finally an official Calendar API! Had to use a bit of a hack in the Festivals app to add events.
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Waiting for the Android livestream to start
Excited to see what's new in Ice Cream Sandwich!
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